Friday, December 24, 2010

Week 8: Reflection

During this course I developed a GAME plan that helped me focus on accomplishing goals towards expanding my technological abilities. While I still don’t feel I’ve completely accomplished my goals, I do feel I have made some progress towards them. These goals are very time consuming, and in the world of education, time is always the enemy. Therefore, I do need more time to reach my goals. However, in my work towards reaching my goals, I have learned a lot about myself and my coworkers.

One thing I learned is that we do not have a lot of technology available at our school. The technology we do have available is also difficult to get your hands on because of the high demand. I have also learned that my co-workers are very diverse in their technological abilities. I have also learned that sometimes I underestimate my students and their abilities. When I tried new technology activities they surprised me. I was prepared for the worst, however they picked up on the instructions and assignment better than I expected. There were still problems and glitches; however, for the most part I was pleasantly surprised.

The biggest immediate adjustment I will make is implementing more technology into my classroom. As I stated, I was pleasantly surprised by how well my students did with the technology I have implemented so far and therefore, I will continue to use more technology. I will also continue to challenge my students by increasing the independence of the work and the degree of difficultly of the assignment.

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