Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 4: Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

I have begun to ask around and strike up conversations with my colleagues about how they incorporate technology into their classroom. Particularly, I have asked other math teachers how they allow student’s creativity to shine through and yet still display their knowledge of mathematics. However, at this point I have not begun any formal observations of other classrooms. I do not think I need to modify my action plan, I simply need more time to carry it out.

So far, I have learned that most teachers struggle with these issues and have very different ways of dealing with the issue. I have also learned that our district has expanded our usage of the PLATO program. Instead of just being used for credit recovery, now all teachers can use it as a supplemental resource, test resource or extension of learning. This program is designed to help students get ready for the ACT and it is a way to incorporate technology into my class. In addition, I have also learned that our building is supposed to be getting two smart boards for the whole building to share. While this is not ideal, obviously, it is better than no smart board at all. Therefore, I can incorporate the smart board into certain lessons (when it’s available). By using the smart board, students who are not always capable of demonstrating learning in the traditional sense (paper and pencil) will be able to gain confidence and knowledge.


  1. Melissa,
    I teach Spanish;however, last year I was responsible for math and language enrichment for the sixth graders for a period before our state standardized testing. I found the Smart Exchange Web site ( very beneficial in finding math lessons to use in my classroom. I found so many interactive lessons that the students enjoyed. If you have not already checked it out hopefully you will find it useful.

  2. Melissa,

    I also talked to the other math teachers in my district and they had little to no helpful information for me. Some of them are kind of relying on me as I take these classes to be able to share with them new ideas that they can use in their classes. Others are so geared to the achievement test that they do not want to change the way they are doing things. I agree that you do not need to make big modifications to your GAME Plan because it is going to take time. If your school is like mine, there is little to no technology being used with the exception of typing paper. We are in a position to learn different methods and share them with our colleagues to help better the district.

    Rick Orr

  3. Melissa,
    Sounds like support for technology is limited in your school. The idea of smart boards being shared between classrooms is interesting. You sound positive and ready to take on the challenge of collaborating with your colleagues and incorporating more technology into your classroom. Good for you. If I can be of any help to you, let me know.

